Week #3: Medications and Sleep Scheduling
Hypnotherapy Recording #3- Special Place to Relax
Listen to the third Hypnotherapy Recording this week and begin to create your Special Place to Relax. Find a comfortable, quiet place to relax where you will not be disturbed for approximately 20 minutes. You may want to choose a seated position or prop yourself up with some pillows if you are laying down. Please do not listed to this recording while driving. Your Special Place can remind you of a place that you have been, somewhere you would like to go or be an amazing combination of all your favorite elements.
Once you have listened to this recording several times you should be able to recreate and visit your Special Place just by choosing to think about it but you can always continue to use the recording if necessary. Your Special Place to Relax can be helpful to visit when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed during the daytime. It can also be a wonderful place to visit when want to transition to sleep. Remember, igniting the creative mind and imagination is like a key that opens the door to the hypnoidal state and eventually the dream state.