This amazing sleep recovery course from Hypnotherapy and Wellness helps people with insomnia overcome negative sleep thoughts and sabotaging behaviors so that they can return to healthier sleep patterns and learn how to keep those healthier sleep patterns going in the future. Learn from an expert how your sleep systems work, how to get out of the insomnia spiral and how to stay out of it!
Gain valuable techniques to reduce anxiety and worry and help you transition faster to sleep or back to sleep all from the comfort of home. In just six weeks you will see results and understand how to keep them going! You will begin to reduce, or possibly eliminate, your reliance on sleep medications and get to the core of your insomnia issues for good!
I am so excited to help you get out of the insomnia spiral and back to enjoying your life !! I want you to know that your sleep mechanism is not broken it just needs adjusting…your subconscious mind just needs reminding. I’m a certified clinical hypnotherapist in practice since 2010 and a certified CBT-I insomnia clinician specializing in insomnia relief who can help you get back to the deep, delicious sleep you need and deserve!
I, myself, have experienced insomnia and know how debilitating it can be.
Does This Sound Like You?
Meet your guide! Andrea A. Squibb, CHt.
You have trouble falling asleep or falling back to sleep
You are always fatigued and feel drowsy during the day
You are irritable and depressed
You are worried about your work performance
Your relationships with others are suffering
You have a depleted immune system
You struggle with memory, cognitive skills and focus
You are unsure what to do to solve your problems or unable to do it alone
I remember…
worrying about when I would finally get to sleep and calculating how much sleep that would be.
being fearful of how I would perform at work, what my mood would be the next day and dreading how miserable feel.
the frustration of wanting to work out and trying to stay in shape but feeling too exhausted to make it happen.
the embarrassment of nodding off in class or, a few years later, in a business meeting.
feeling unable to maintain concentration long enough to read an important piece of research.
trying different sleeping medications prescribed to me, only to feel like they were making things worse in one way or another.
Once I began to learn about hypnosis, the subconscious mind, the hypnoidal state and how to benefit from self-hypnosis, things began to improve. I learned mindfulness and relaxation techniques and also became skilled in CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia using the same program that was developed by researchers at the Harvard School of Medicine. I began combining the techniques to assist my clients with insomnia issues and now I am here to help you in the same way.
Over the course of our 6 weeks together, you will come to understand…
how our sleep mechanisms work and what drives them.
what normal sleep is and how to achieve it.
what normal sleep is not and some of the myths that surround sleep.
how to change your thoughts and behaviors to promote good sleep patterns and habits.
You will…
get a more accurate picture of your sleep patterns and associated sleep related thoughts.
become acquainted with different physical and mental tools that support good sleep, promote relaxation and reduce anxiety and you will begin to utilize them
understand the pros and cons of sleep medication and how to taper off them if you would like to.
see improvement in your sleep over the timeframe of the course and in most cases, continue to see additional benefits in the weeks that follow.
create a relapse prevention plan so that you do not fall into the insomnia spiral in the future.
have access to weekly presentations with me as your host and clear-cut assignments for each section.
be able to ask me questions via your question submission section at the end of each weekly section.
I will be…
responding to your questions each week.
checking in on your progress weekly via email or phone call.
supporting you and holding you accountable for doing what you need to do to get out of the insomnia spiral and back to enjoying life as fully as possible.
So often, we are right on the brink of change but just need that little push or support—I will be that for you. I hope you are excited to get back to deep, delicious sleep and learn how to reduce daytime worry and anxiety as well! If you need to take a break from the course you will have access to the materials for a full year from the date of purchase. If you find you are not able to benefit from the course and have given it an honest effort----put in time to do the exercises and comply with course materials and assignments. I will refund you a full or partial payment depending on your situation, so you really have no excuse not to give it a try. There is little that could be more important than getting a good night’s sleep.
What You’ll Gain from the Course:
Your life back! A future full of better sleep!
Increased energy and a boosted immune system
Improved focus, cognition, memory, mood and work performance
Hundreds of hours of helpful information and research all in one place
A deeper understanding of insomnia and what normal sleep is
A better understanding of sleep medications, their drawbacks and how to taper off of them
A Relapse Prevention Plan so you don’t fall back into the insomnia spiral in the future
Weekly access to an expert who can hold you accountable and keep you on track
Tools for reducing anxiety, increasing relaxation and reducing cognitive distortions
Course Outline | ‘Six Weeks To Better Sleep’
*Welcome Section
Week 1: Beginning to Understand Sleep
Week 2: Normal Sleep and Restructuring Thoughts
Week 3: Medications and Sleep Scheduling
Week 4: Tools and Strategies Part 1
Week 5: Tools and Strategies Part 2
Week 6: Maintaining Your Gains
*Bonus Materials, Tools and Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is Hypnosis, or Hypnotherapy, utilized in the course?
The course includes recordings to download and use at home which include hypnotic suggestion. The course materials also provide education on the hypnoidal state and how to transition to it which allows client to get closer to sleep, eventually to sleep and also back to sleep. Some techniques in the course are also in the form of self-suggestion or self hypnosis.
What if I have questions or concerns while I am taking the course?
At the end of each section you will see a form you can submit for all of you questions related to that particular week. Andrea will email or call you with the answers. You may also find some of your questions answers in the Q and A section of the course materials.
What if I am unable to complete the course in 6 weeks?
You will have access to the course materials and Andrea for 365 days from the purchase date.
What if I am currently taking sleep medication?
You can still participate in the course if you are taking medication. If you would like to taper off your sleep medication, you can do that during the course. It is helpful to seek the advice of you physician while doing so. The course will provide basic guidelines to taper off of medication as a supplement to your physician’s recommendations.
What if the course doesn’t work for me?
If you can show that you have genuinely put in effort to follow the course and complete the assignments but are still not seeing any improvement in your sleep, Andrea will issue you a full, or partial, refund of your payment depending on the specifics of you situation.